Welcome to Hannibal American Legion
Prior Stock Post 1552
Tickets available at the bar.
Proceeds to benefit Hannibal Veterans Park.
Tickets Available at the bar,or see a Legion Rider.
Join us, as we continue to do our best to help Veterans and the Community!
Since our charter in 1947, our American Legion Post has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble below.
It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,who has given us freedom of press.
It is the VETERAN, not the poet,who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN, not the politician,who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN,who salutes the flag. It is the VETERAN ,who serves under the flag.
So help us support them!!!
"We are the Home of the Watch Fire"
Another Great Vetfest! Vetfest is open to Everyone!!!
This Event is for Veterans, Members and the Community
to Come together and Support your American Legion!
Dues are now being accepted for the coming Year!
$38.00 for Regular Legion Members.
If you would like to ad an event on or page,
Email djames6060@gmail.com
The Legion has Medical Equipment available for Veterans
and the Community. If you are in need, stop by the Legion.
Legion Riders Wanted!!
Meetings Second Thursday of the Month 7:00pm.
If you wish to join, You need to attend the Meeting!
Next meeting 1/9/25